Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Good Day

I had a a good day!

With the stress I've been feeling over the last few weeks, today was a breath of fresh air.

My closest friend, W, and I hung out at one of our favourite haunts - Funan The IT Mall - just like the old days. We had a couple of "much needed" things to get, so we "justified" the trip and the expenditure.

W and I met when we were doing our National Service in a high security facility. I was placed in charge of him when he was just a recruit and truthfully, I didn't like him. He looked like a young punk out to stir trouble. I actually protested (in front of W) to my Officer-In-Charge and asked to assign him to someone else. But as the old adage proclaims - do not judge a book by its cover. W turned out to be quite a likeable character. On top of his cheerful personality, he was brilliant! When he graduated from vocational studies prior to enlisting, he finished in the top 10% of all vocational students in Singapore. That's impressive, by my standards!

While others generally complain about their compulsary two and a half year National Service stint, W and I had a fantastic time there! We went through a great deal together and were usually at the centre of many very interesting "events" and "controversies". Many of these are "classified" and so I can't share them openly. But we always have a good chuckle when we talk about them.

After our NS stint, I went on to pursue Electronics and Computer Engineering and a year later, W joined me at the same institution to pursue Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. After graduating, I joined the company I am still working for (its been 13 years) and W joined me in the same department 6 months later. He's still here as well but is now attached to a different area of work in a different centre.

One of our favourite past times over the weekend, back when we were both single and very available, was to meet up, catch a movie, grab some dinner and then chill out with a cup or two of Spinelli's ice blended coffee lamenting about girlfriends, broken relationships and whether we'd ever settle down. We both had rough relationships in the past so we feel very blessed to have found wonderful life partners. Our wives are now good friends too! And... our sons were born just three weeks apart with my little boy leading the duo.

Work and family commitments resulted in us placing huge voids, sometimes up to a year, between our "guys hang-out" session. But when we do meet up, like today, it was as though we last met a few days ago. We shared jokes from the good ol' days, argued about politics and work issues and dared each other to make huge IT purchases with "I'll buy if you buy". We'd usually chicken out after the whole hoo-ha. Today's dare? A S$3000 laptop!

So what did we actually dare buy? We got a 500GB hard disk for me, a box of mini DV tapes each, a DVD burner drive for W and a spool of 100 blank DVDs which we split equally.

Although I feel guilty about not spending time with my little boy today, I really think I needed this "break".

Thanks W, I had a great time!

Monday, April 23, 2007

"Excuse Me", Please?

Singapore. That's where I live. A country that is aesthetically beautiful, clean, efficient and bustling. People from all over world come to Singapore to visit and envy our country, marvel at how multi-racial people live with each other harmoniously but most of all, to shop and to try out local delicacies.

Our Government has worked hard to put our country, described by some as "a little red dot", on the map of the world. We're today known as a Tourist Hub, Education Hub and more importantly, a Business Hub. We've excelled in these areas - making us the best at what we do. But for what we've achieved in terms of excellence and affluence, we severely lack in grace. While I've stomached the disgraceful behaviour of Singaporeans for many years, two events yesterday, within the span of 20 minutes, prompted this entry.

My wife and I were on my way to a shopping centre near our home to pick up some groceries yesterday evening. As I was approaching the entrance to the car park, I noticed that a MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) was on the perpendicular road at the stop line. As I had the right of way, I carried on my path. As I approached, the MPV decided that he should cut into my path - and he did. I had to slam on my brakes to avoid a collision. I looked in the rear view mirror to see if there were a long line of cars coming for him to justify cutting into my path to minimise waiting time. No cars were in sight. So, to get into the car park 5 seconds earlier, he decided to cut into my path instead of waiting for me to pass - endangering my wife and I. Ok, this was perhaps the most inconsiderate Singaporean I was going to meet for the day. I was severely mistaken.

While shopping at the supermarket, my wife left her shopping basket filled with frozen meat and some vegetables on the floor beside her as she was selecting some sweet potatoes. I was not too far away. A middle age lady came by with her trolley making a "ssshhhhhh" sound. I was wondering what that was for and I realised that I was in her way. So, instead of the polite "excuse me", she decided "sssshhhhh" was the way to go. I moved. This was not the end. She decided she needed some plastic bags that were near the sweet potato trays. Seeing my wife's basket filled with meats, she did not even attempt the "ssshhhh" and moved the basket aside with her foot! I should have kicked her with mine!

In a country that is known to be populated with educated people, most of whom are highly educated, you'd think you'd never have to experience such disgraceful behaviour. But sadly, this is a daily affair. No one really cares for each other and anything they can do for their own convenience, they will - at the expense of inconveniencing others. It is no wonder why our Government has been trying hard to institute courtesy amongst its population with a courtesy campaign since 1979! It begs to question what kind of people live in Singapore when the Government has to have a courtesy campaign or a kindness movement. You see the ugly Singaporean everywhere you go - at food outlets, on the trains, on the roads, in shopping centres... everywhere! As a Singaporean, I feel ashamed by the behavior of my fellow countrymen.

We're a hub for practically everything in Asia. But what we'll never be is a hub for courtesy. To me, we've failed as a society, no matter how much success we've achieved economically. Our tagline promoting tourism says "Uniquely Singapore". I guess this is true in more ways than the tagline originally intended.

My apologies for the rant. Had to get it off my chest.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Birthday Blog

"Things That Fill My Head" is one year old today!

I never imagined that I would ever take blogging seriously as I figured it was more for the "new generation" out there and not for an old fogey like myself. To be honest, among the bloggers that I know, I'd have to be the oldest with an age deficit of at least 10 years! So, having a blog was never on my mind.

In January 2006, my father passed away. I struggled to come to terms with his demise. Till today, I am still struggling. Words spoken by my father and images of him haunted my mind every day. I knew I'd never get over my father's death no matter how long I live but I needed a way to manage my thoughts, feelings and memories before it got the better of me.

I remembered my father used to spend weekends penning his thoughts and feelings in a notebook (the paper kind). He even had one titled "My Worries". I figured that by offloading his worries into the notebook, it lightened the load on his mind. My father was a man who managed his thoughts and feelings very well and this was probably one of his "tricks".

Ok, I'll put my thoughts into words. But where? Then, the idea of a blog came up. So, I reviewed a few blog hosting services out there and within an hour, decided on Blogger. All I wanted to do was to find a simple way to put my thoughts into words. After all, I was certain no one would come across, let alone read, my blog - especially in a community as huge as Blogger. I picked a user name, after multiple tries (pratically all variations of "Prem" I could think off were taken!), and started on my first entry - one dedicated to my beloved father. It felt like the most appropriate thing to write about.

With my eyes glazing over, I sat at my desk and wrote about the man I loved and respected the most in my life. As the words flowed, so did the tears. Images and stories long forgotten came flooding back. A few lines quickly became a few paragraphs and before I knew it, my first entry was done. Honestly, I felt good talking about my father openly - even though no one was listening - or so I thought.

The next day, I checked my blog and found "1 Comment". Was someone reading? I quickly clicked on it and found a spammer (the comment is still there - just for laughs)! Oh well, better 1 meaningless "comment" than nothing at all. Next, I went on to write about my two doggies. I was not expecting anymore visitors, spammers or otherwise, but I checked back to find "royalty" had graced my blog with her visit. Princess, who used to go by the name Sparkling Princess, came by and posted a lovely comment about my dogs as well as to offer her condolences for my loss. I thought it was very sweet and thanks to her, I found my way to other honest and beautifully written blogs. Since then, unseen bloggers have become invaluable friends as we share our lives with each other. Even my wife talks about you guys as if we've been good friends for ages.

So, on this 1st birthday of "Things That Fill My Head", I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Princess, Zizo, Dandoon, Vanessa, Ghasheema and last but not least Eshda3wa for making me feel very welcome in the blogging world and allowing me to share my life with you as you have shared yours with me. I am also very appreciative of my lovely wife who is very supportive of her husband's blog and my little boy for giving me something to write about.

Its been a fantastic year blogging! I look forward to more of them.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Spousal Approval

When husbands in Singapore want to spend good money on stuff wives have no interest in (eg. gadgets, gizmos and stuff not found in kitchens), the cliché phrases heard are "I'll need to seek approval from my Commanding Officer" or "My Financial Controller will have to ok it first".

I am blessed cos my wife doesn't make things difficult for me when I decide to blow hard-earned money on yet another smartphone, audio device or a gadget for my car. That definitely explains the drawer filled with the latest tech stuff. But despite the fact that she doesn't object, I consult her before I buy anything. She's very level-headed and always has constructive suggestions.

But occassionally, I get the uncomfortable "ok" or "up to you". Its her loving way of saying "it'll eventually go to waste but I don't want you to be unhappy". The tone in her voice is unmistakable and I always tease her about it.

Because of this, I laughed my head off when I saw the following "For Sale" ad on the Internet!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Everybody Loves Eddie

My son started to speak his first words over the last few days. When he was first born, I figured it would be something dramatic like suddenly calling out "Dada" or "Mama". Our "Super Nanny" has also been trying hard to get him to say "Auntie" and because of that, I hear it repeated so many times in a day that everytime the word "Auntie" comes up, I feel my stomach flip. But in spite of the repeated "Auntie.... Auntie... Auntie.... Auntie..." and my wife's attempts at getting our little fella to recognise his "Dada", the first words out of his mouth were.... *drum roll, please* ... "Eddie"!

We're beaming with "pride". *sigh*

I guess it was our incessant yelling at our dog that result in this blunder. So, everything is "Eddie" now. His caterpillar soft toy is "Eddie". Even the decorative statue of Buddha that graces our home is "Eddie". Of course, the little lad has his own way of saying it... "Edjeee".

Speaking of Edjeee, my dear pal has lived with us exactly 5 years today. I remember that day fondly. Since then, we've gone through a great deal together. I watched the puny little puppy grow up into a handsome dog with Einstien's brilliance, Ronaldo's ball skills and an attitude only suitable for a Rottweiler. He stuck by me through some really tough times - chronic illness and even my father's passing. He also shared in the happy times too - like when my son was born. He'd appear to stand guard while my wife fed our newborn and would come running to us in a panic when he started to cry in his crib. Eddie's like the perfect best friend you could ever imagine.

Eddie is loved by everyone - both family and friends. I get emails from colleagues at work asking "How's Eddie?" and calls to our home are of the same nature. My Uncle will ask me to send his regards to Eddie (and Casey, of course) whenever he calls. It is only after enquiring about our doggies that I get "How are you doing?"

As for my son's first word, I am going to pass "Edjeee" off as him trying to say "Dajeee" (aka "Daddy"). That'll work, right?? *wink*

Here's a picture of Eddie on the first day he arrived at our home 5 years ago.

Happy 5th Anniversary, my buddy!! We love you!

Monday, April 16, 2007


My little boy is down with a mild case of the flu. What's worse is I think he caught it from either my wife or me.

I guess no amount of precaution helps when you live in a small apartment.

When I saw him this afternoon, he seemed restless, was sneezing and generally irritable. But true to his nature, he still tries to smile - even though its a weak one. I can't imagine him going through this especially when he is unable to articulate what he's feeling.

I wish I were in the mood to write more but seeing my boy down like that really breaks my heart.

I hope he gets well soon.

Friday, April 13, 2007


About two months ago, I got a fantastic new "toy" - The iPod Video. Since the time we got acquainted, the sexy svelt device, now immaculately dressed head to toe in high quality leather, has been my constant companion at work and at home - the only two places I can actually be found. That says a lot about my social life, doesn't it? I digress.

While I love my iPod to bits, it is beyond doubt that it will someday be replaced by another device (read : iPhone) and if that pans out, I'd hate to see a device that brought me days and nights of pleasure (minds out of the gutter please) to be laid to rest in my gadget tomb.

In comes the Tadpole - case that is. It is a case that turns any 5th generation iPod (iPod Video) into the perfect portable video player for kids. The handles are ideal for small little hands to grip the device and it comes in an array of cheery colours. Great for long road trips!

Guess who'll soon be inheriting my iPod in a year or two?

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Fun fact - did you know TAGGED when rearranged spells GADGET? How cool is that?

Been away for about two weeks and little did I know, I've been tagged by two of my favourite bloggers. You know who you are. First, the rules....

“Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!”

So, here goes folks!
  1. I studied Electronics and Computer Engineering but my dream was to be a radio deejay.

  2. I absolutely have to wash my car at least twice a week because I cannot imagine someone passing it saying "this guy really does not look after this beautiful machine". I probably feel that way because I'm guilty of making such comments myself. *sigh*

  3. I must sleep with a bolster. I'll be wide awake if I don't have one - no matter how tired I am. This is the very reason why I don't go on holidays cos many hotels don't have one and it is a little ridiculous to pack a bolster!

  4. I will not wear the same shirt twice within a week. A shirt, once used, is usually given a week and a half break before it sees the outside of my closet again. Yes, I have a lot of shirts.

  5. Everyone knows that I buy a lot of gadgets. But no one (except Mrs Prem) knows that when they're first unpacked, I smell them. Just like a newborn baby, fresh electronics have a magical smell.

  6. While people quote noteable historical people, I quote characters from TV series like The X-Files, Heroes and Grey's Anatomy. Seriously! *wink*

  7. I tend to overthink every situation and that usually makes me depressed.

  8. I will not wear a watch with a square or other odd-shaped face. Only round faced watches for me.

  9. I hate drawers that are left open. It irks the hell out of me. I don't know why.

  10. And finally... I check and edit my blog entries at least 20 times before I'm happy with what I've written. Perfectionist? Hmmm... more like obsessive compulsive.

There you go.

Now, as I don't know many bloggers on blogger, I guess I'll have to zero in on Zizo and Eshda3wa. Tag... you're it!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dreams And The Departed

Where do our dearly departed go?

It is a profound question for a mind like mine that deals mostly in science and technology - aka fact. Is there really heaven and hell? Are the departed still within our midst or watching over us from beyond? I'd like to believe its true.

But the real question is - can they communicate with us through dreams? I have a relative who is convinced beyond any doubt that her dead mother and elder sister talk to her in her dreams. Whenever she is troubled by some issue, be it a family conflict or a decision that needs to be made, her mother or sister (sometimes together) will appear in her dreams to provide her "invaluable" advice.

My mind screams "Poppycock!" when I hear yet another of her nocturnal visitations. While I believe that our departed loved ones do watch over us, they do not communicate with us via dreams.

Cynical? Not really. But I find it preposterous that the answers handed to her by these departed souls seems to be in the direction she was leaning towards anyway. I have never heard that they have given her an answer that was against her original wishes or opinion.

Call it a personal hobby but I've been intrigued by dreams and have been analysing them (if I can remember) as soon as I wake up. Over the last few years, I've begun to see a pattern. For example, a couple of weeks ago, my wife was toasting some bread at night and it got a little burnt. There was a little smoke coming into the living room where we have a smoke detector. I was a little concerned that it would go off at that late hour but tossed it to the back of my mind, telling myself I'll deal with it if it triggers. Two nights later, I dreamt our old apartment had burnt down to the ground and we lost everything! I was standing a few feet away from the remains angry at our smoke sensor's failure to sound the alarm and call for emergency services. Thinking back, I recall it bothered me the alarm did not go off even though there was smoke.

In this relative's case, she already knows the answer to her conflict (consciously or subconsciously) but her brain uses a person of respect or authority, in this case a departed loved one, to "deliver" the answer. This way, she can find solace in the fact that even her departed mother and sister concur with her decision - even though it may not be the right one.

A good way to assign blame if things don't work out, if you ask me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Missing But Not Gone

First and foremost, my sincere apologies to everyone who have expressed their concern over my sudden disappearance from the blogging world. It is nice to know that I have been missed and at the same time, I do miss reading all the fantastic blogs I frequently visit. I promise to get to them as soon as I am done with this entry.

Over the last two weeks, my workload suddenly escalated and I spent a great deal of time at my organisation's Data Centre. I also put in extra hours before and after my regular working hours and this led to more sleeping hours.

Outside of work, there was another situation which was causing me a great deal of problems. Although I could walk away from it, my conscience didn't allow me to and it resulted in some sleepless nights and a great deal of stress.

To make matters worse, I was down with a severe gastric problem for two weeks. It started off two Mondays ago and it seemed to subside a few days later. But by last Saturday, it hit again so hard that by the wee hours of Monday morning (yesterday), my wife was rushing me to the hospital. I'm glad to report that I am feeling a little better today and hope this keeps up.

I've missed converting my thoughts and feelings into bits and bytes over the last few weeks and since I've accumulated quite a bit by now, do expect a slew of them in the coming days. Meanwhile, do look out for my comments in your blogs very soon.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Premster is back!!