Thursday, May 10, 2007

Resurrecting A King

This is for those of you who saw the clip I posted from American Idol's "Idols Give Back" show and have lost sleep since then trying to figure out how they did it.

What? Only me?

Oh well, here's the solution. Be prepared to sit through about 10 minutes of technical discussion. Like a magic trick, its always cool to know how it is done.

Wonder if I can pull off digitally resurrecting Lennon.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Few And Far Between

Looks like things are spiraling out of control again.

Work has been absolutely crazy, my son has officially decided that it is more fun to keep everyone awake than to get a good night's sleep and I had to make two trips to rectify the same problem with my car in 48 hours.

To top this off, I am now involved in a "mission" which is taking up quite a bit of my spare time. I know I've yet to talk about this but will definitely update everyone when time permits.

With such a tight schedule, I've been spreading myself quite thin and have missed out on time with my little boy, trawling the Internet as well as tech malls for new gadgets, watching my favourite TV series like 30 Rock and Shark, losing my grip on the latest hits being played on the radio, catching up on reading and most importantly, keeping this blog alive and kicking.

I hope things taper off in the coming week so that I can spend a little time offloading my thoughts here. Meanwhile, I'll try to catch my breath as soon as I hit the publish button.

Hope everyone's well.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Doctors Versus Engineers

Doctors. Love them or hate them, we can't live (no pun intended) without them. They heal the sick and on occassions, perform medical miracles. But to bring a dead man back to life? Not that I've heard of.

This is where Engineers, namely Computer Engineers, have excelled. They create technological miracles everyday. But for me, none is as spectacular to-date as resurrecting The King himself.

If you've never seen this clip, be prepared to get the wind knocked out of you.

Elvis lives - in the digital world, at least. Kudos to the Engineering geniuses at American Idol.