Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dreams And The Departed

Where do our dearly departed go?

It is a profound question for a mind like mine that deals mostly in science and technology - aka fact. Is there really heaven and hell? Are the departed still within our midst or watching over us from beyond? I'd like to believe its true.

But the real question is - can they communicate with us through dreams? I have a relative who is convinced beyond any doubt that her dead mother and elder sister talk to her in her dreams. Whenever she is troubled by some issue, be it a family conflict or a decision that needs to be made, her mother or sister (sometimes together) will appear in her dreams to provide her "invaluable" advice.

My mind screams "Poppycock!" when I hear yet another of her nocturnal visitations. While I believe that our departed loved ones do watch over us, they do not communicate with us via dreams.

Cynical? Not really. But I find it preposterous that the answers handed to her by these departed souls seems to be in the direction she was leaning towards anyway. I have never heard that they have given her an answer that was against her original wishes or opinion.

Call it a personal hobby but I've been intrigued by dreams and have been analysing them (if I can remember) as soon as I wake up. Over the last few years, I've begun to see a pattern. For example, a couple of weeks ago, my wife was toasting some bread at night and it got a little burnt. There was a little smoke coming into the living room where we have a smoke detector. I was a little concerned that it would go off at that late hour but tossed it to the back of my mind, telling myself I'll deal with it if it triggers. Two nights later, I dreamt our old apartment had burnt down to the ground and we lost everything! I was standing a few feet away from the remains angry at our smoke sensor's failure to sound the alarm and call for emergency services. Thinking back, I recall it bothered me the alarm did not go off even though there was smoke.

In this relative's case, she already knows the answer to her conflict (consciously or subconsciously) but her brain uses a person of respect or authority, in this case a departed loved one, to "deliver" the answer. This way, she can find solace in the fact that even her departed mother and sister concur with her decision - even though it may not be the right one.

A good way to assign blame if things don't work out, if you ask me.


Anonymous said...

I believe 100% of your analysis of the true and I did experience something familiar

I think ur relative's family visiting her in dreams..and especially in times of stress is her minds away of telling her..everything is okay..they are stil with you...and thats nice..its comforting for her i guess

The Premster said...

thank you for concurring with my in-depth "research"! lol!

i know it is comforting to her but sometimes, it annoys the heck out of me when it is shoved in my face with the comment "even they agree with me"!

oh well, if she's happy doing that, then so be it, i guess.
