Thursday, April 12, 2007


Fun fact - did you know TAGGED when rearranged spells GADGET? How cool is that?

Been away for about two weeks and little did I know, I've been tagged by two of my favourite bloggers. You know who you are. First, the rules....

“Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!”

So, here goes folks!
  1. I studied Electronics and Computer Engineering but my dream was to be a radio deejay.

  2. I absolutely have to wash my car at least twice a week because I cannot imagine someone passing it saying "this guy really does not look after this beautiful machine". I probably feel that way because I'm guilty of making such comments myself. *sigh*

  3. I must sleep with a bolster. I'll be wide awake if I don't have one - no matter how tired I am. This is the very reason why I don't go on holidays cos many hotels don't have one and it is a little ridiculous to pack a bolster!

  4. I will not wear the same shirt twice within a week. A shirt, once used, is usually given a week and a half break before it sees the outside of my closet again. Yes, I have a lot of shirts.

  5. Everyone knows that I buy a lot of gadgets. But no one (except Mrs Prem) knows that when they're first unpacked, I smell them. Just like a newborn baby, fresh electronics have a magical smell.

  6. While people quote noteable historical people, I quote characters from TV series like The X-Files, Heroes and Grey's Anatomy. Seriously! *wink*

  7. I tend to overthink every situation and that usually makes me depressed.

  8. I will not wear a watch with a square or other odd-shaped face. Only round faced watches for me.

  9. I hate drawers that are left open. It irks the hell out of me. I don't know why.

  10. And finally... I check and edit my blog entries at least 20 times before I'm happy with what I've written. Perfectionist? Hmmm... more like obsessive compulsive.

There you go.

Now, as I don't know many bloggers on blogger, I guess I'll have to zero in on Zizo and Eshda3wa. Tag... you're it!!


eshda3wa said...

<--- opens a drawer

i think ur sleeping habit is the weirdest thing about you ;)

The Premster said...

*closes drawer*


i find my sleeping habit weird too! i am so afraid my son picks it up.

Anonymous said...

you have to stop with teh gadget things...they are taking over ur life.....u even though of gadget in tagged...I have to its smart and attentive..but STOP

electronics and computer engineering....waaaaaaay to go prem...u can still be a deejay...a partime one...jsut to fulfill ur dream :)

if packing a bolster allows u to go on vacation..then do that my freind :)

I always pack sheets and covers...I hate to sleep on teh hotel ones...eeewww @@

too many shirts...there is no such things...its really nice to see men care about how they present themselves to society...way to go again :)

I did sense that you are a profectionist be4 u said that...ur blog is just too groomed :P

Anonymous said...

plz note that i dont check for spellign mistakes..I just click enter when am any mistakes..i count on ur common sense and creativity to figure out what am tryin to say :P

The Premster said...

gadgets taking over my life?? too late, ghasheema... "taken over" would be the correct phrase!! ;)

i like the idea of being a part-time deejay. but my voice isn't what it used to be and i really don't have that kind of energy i used to. i guess its age. maybe in another life. :)

as for packing a bolster, i can just see customs officers pinning me down at the airport yelling "what's in the bag?!?!?"

and thank you for your comment about the shirts. i like to ensure i'm dressed neatly always - it takes the focus away from the ugly face. ;)

and i am seriously not a perfectionist. obsessive is more accurate.

The Premster said...

hi eshda3wa,

my wife thought it was extremely funny that you "opened a drawer" just to irk me. ;)