Friday, March 02, 2007

Trust Betrayed

Look up the word "betrayal" in the dictionary and you'd get definitions like "exhibition of disloyalty"and "the act of violating trust". If you've ever been on the receiving end of betrayal, you'll know that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth and a sick feeling in your stomach.

About two month ago, I was betrayed... by someone I loved and trusted all my life. As a very young boy, I watched this young and elegant lady step into the corporate world for the first time. At that time, I was filled with a strange feeling which I now recognise as pride. Soon after, I watched her get married and eventually had children of her own - whom I became very attached to. She fussed over me all the time, buying me comics, books and toys whenever she felt like it - which was often - till her children came along. She prayed hard by my Mother's side when doctors gave up all hope on me due to a medical condition at the age of 12. When my mother died, she promised she'd look after me at all cost. And when my son was born, she declared that she was his Grandma in my mother's 'absence'. For all that she had done, I would have laid down my life for her at a moment's notice - if it ever came to that.

How does one come to terms with being betrayed by someone like that?

During her difficult times, she came to me and cried on my shoulders. When her brother and his wife were (frequently) cruel and verbally hurtful towards her, she came to me to pour her woes and depended on me to take her side. Through it all, I defended her - like a son would defend his mother. Now, when I needed her to understand my perspective regarding a situation with truth and facts to corroborate, she turns a deaf ear and says she "wants to remain neutral". What is most hurtful is that this "situation" is what caused her and the rest of my family years of unhappiness, discourse and grief.

Although she no longer comes to me to lament since the confrontation, she still does to my wife. So even though she wants us to respect her wishes to "remain neutral", she still wants a listening ear for her problems. My wife, who was her biggest 'fan' when I first introdued them, is now deeply disillusioned.

My trust and faith in family, relationships and humanity has been dwindling over the years. But this turn of events has accelerated things drastically. How do you have faith in another human being after you come face to face with such a betrayal?

The damage done to my belief system is beyond repair. The same goes for my relationship with her. But what I find most sad is that my wife and I now have to instill in our little boy that life is paved with disappointments and betrayals - even from friends and relatives he may believe will be there for him. And as I watch the innocent fella laugh, play and sleep, I worry about how much it will scar him when he has to face the reality of betrayal for the first time. How I wish we could shield him forever.

Nevertheless, although I am still trying hard to get the proverbial bad taste out of my mouth, I am at peace with my conscience. I only hope she can find peace with her's.


Dakhtour said...

Woooow.. It's really hard if it came from a close person to u... Really a sad thing when it's happened dude

Don't trust anyone i guess... That's what they keep saying to me and sorry to hear that about u

Anonymous said...

Betrayal makes me sick and I am sorry that you had and have to go through this.

When i say i KNOW how you feel...I really mean it...cuz I was in a similiar situation and to that person I did not only give my love,attention, and respect...but I spent loads of money on them....just becuz I felt we were family and we should help each other....and I still dont regret giving them that much money....but how can a person who I have done SOOO much good to them....stab me and in my face....not in my back!!

they looked right into my eyes and pretended I had done nothing but MISERY to them....and that I try to mock them just becuz I am have more money...what do u say to that...these ppl are related to my kids more than they are related to me (aka in-laws) how can I protect my kids from going through what i went through...

I know how u feel about ur lil boy's future....and i feel the same for my kids....I cant give u an advice that I myself dont have and so badly need...but i can tell u its good to know that there is someone out there who knows how I feel just becuz (i am sooo sorry to say this) but just becuz they went through it too.

I think we should let children live in this world...and make sure that the world is so happy and beautiful to them...let children be children and live their innocent years smoothly as much as we can and let the shock come later on in life...when they have experienced enough love and loyality to truly make them realize that not ALL people are betrayers!

I still as much as I can to be nice to these ppl...just for my kids sake....and I we have an arabic saying that says " you dont know how good I am...til you try someone else" (it sounds alot nicer in arabic :P)...but honestly my friend...the damage is already now we have to deal with it....make them realize how wrong they were...not by trying to talk some sense into them...but by going on with our life and letting "karma" do the magic =D

The Premster said...

thank you, zizo.

it is definitely very hard to swallow. it came out of the blue and really knocked the wind out of me.

anyway, what you say is true - trust no one.

wiser_now said...

I've been there, will probably be there again. Been both the betrayed and the's an unfortunate fact of our lives.

What you teach your little boy is to be the one who is your own inner attitude, words and example. Don't let the pain from the betrayal of others be the impetus of your own betrayal of him. To become one who believes that no one is to be trusted is to teach your son fear, anger and distrust. Teach him, instead, that you and he (and Mom) will be people of principle no matter what the cost. The world IS indeed filled with betrayal, teach him to deal with it in a way that is good for his own soul.

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

i am so sorry to hear that you have been on the receiving end of betrayal too.

although it does not make me happy that you went through this, i am comforted that someone out there understands my situation.

i realised one thing, ghasheema - and that is that you're a nicer person than i am. for a person that i loved and respected before, i cannot be around her now. its just the thought of the betrayal is overwhelming to the extent that it can be suffocating.

"you don't know how good i am... till you try someone else". i think that is extremely insightful. i'm sure its more beautiful in arabic. i will remember this and thank you for sharing this with me.

in closing, i totally agree with you on one thing - and that is to go on with life and let karma do its stuff.

thank you for kind words and sharing your experience, ghasheema. it is most comforting.

god bless you.

The Premster said...

dear wiser_now,

thank you for stopping by. but more importantly, thank you for your wise words. you are definitely true to your name.

i was a very trusting person most of my life. i trusted everyone. i always thought that people were generally good and i could tell the difference between who would be by my side and who would betray me. sadly, i have only a few years ago learnt i am not a good judge of character. so, it seemed easier to just place everyone in the "trust no one" category and then when one of them steps up when it is most needed, i become pleasantly surprised.

but i have to agree with you fully that my little boy should not be brought up with fear and distrust. instead, we as parents should build his character and groom him into a principled person.

again, i thank you for your kind advice. i am definitely wiser with it.

god bless you, my friend.