Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Other Side Of Premster

Most of the people who have known me from the turn of the century onwards would describe me as a mild mannered workaholic geek. I take that as a wonderful compliment. Aside from enjoying quiet time with my family, I enjoy my work and indulge in gadgets. But there is another side of me that only friends from way back know - and that is I was once... *drum roll please*... a deejay!

"Surely you jest!" or "You've got to be kidding me" would probably be what you're thinking right now. But it is true. I even had a stage name- DJ Mixfreak! Ok, stop giggling. ;)

I started deejaying at the age of 14 when I accidently got roped in to help with a friend's mobile disco (companies that provided disco services at your doorstep). Being one who enjoys music, I was intrigued by how the deejay matched beats and mixed music and that curiousity got the better of me. By the age of 15, I was manning mic and turntables solo, freelancing at clubs and discos when their in-house deejays were on annual or medical leave. I entered a nation-wide deejay mixing competition at the age of 23 - and won. A one year contract remixing for some local performers, deejaying gear and bragging rights were mine.

By the age of 25, I started remixing tracks for local clubs. Most of this was done from my home studio and deejaying took a back seat. I 'retired' from deejaying at the age of 30 due to work commitments and poor health but my enthusiasm for the trade never died. I still remix in my spare time - just for kicks.

By the way, I have an Eid gift for my regular visitors (you know who you are). If you have a Gmail account (or one that can accomodate / receive a file of at least 10MB), please email your address to before 24 October 2006 to claim your gift.

Hear from you soon?


Danah said...

Deejaying?! Wow! I didn't see that coming:p lol

You have mail:p

The Premster said...

i didn't think so, dandoon. ;)

it was a long time ago tho. don't forget to check your email in half an hour!

Danah said...

Just wanted to say thank you and that I liked the gift!:)

The Premster said...

very glad to hear you liked it.

was away from it for about a year and just started again.

have fun!! :)