Friday, January 12, 2007

Water Works

Sometime last week, I found a notice stuck on our home door. It was from a Government appointed contractor that said the water suply to our apartment block would be turned off on 12 January 2007 between 10 am and 5 pm for water pipes re-routing - or something like that.

Being the responsible dude that I am, I remembered (more like my trusty Treo reminded me)when I got home last night. I made a list of all the things that needs to be done for our domestic help, like filling up containers and pails with water, ensuring that Dev has his morning "swim in his plastic jacuzzi" and doggies' water bowl is filled, all before 10 am. I felt proud of myself as I climbed into bed at about 5 am.

I decided to sleep in since there was no water but by almost 1 pm, I needed to use the little boys room. So, I did. And I flushed. "One tank disabled", I thought and automatically moved to the wash basin to wash my hands. I washed, dried them on my towel and stepped out to get back into bed. Then my head screamed "Wait! The tap had water!"

This was about 4 hours before they were scheduled to turn the water back on. Did they reschedule and forget to tell us? I called the number on the notice left on my door last week. A lady answered and asked if she could help. I asked how come there was water flowing at my home when they were supposed to have turned off the water. She calmly replied "We have turned off the main supply of water to your block. But the common water tank serving the residents of the block has been filled before we disconnected the supply." All I could say was "Oooohh.... thanks!"

I stepped out of my room and in the kitchen, I found pails, containers, jugs and cups filled with water everywhere. Anything that could hold water was holding water. I felt a little stupid. Anyway, thinking that there might be others like me hogging water from the tank, I rushed back to the bathroom and enjoyed my bath - just in case the tank ran dry.

A whole new appreciation for the convenience of water on tap surfaced.

Have a good weekend, all!


Shwaish said...

loool im sorry for ur umm yeah! i dnt know wat to call it hehehe but its good to be prepared still! even if u were over-prepared

The Premster said...

hi princess,

i think "over-prepared" is an understatement!

believe it or not, we're still using water accumulated! :D

The Premster said...

hi gasheema,

welcome to the small little "water-filled" world of the premster! hope you enjoyed the visit.

taking a shower is definitely easier than hoisting a pail of water over my head. sure, it does wonders for the pecks but... i'm one of those fellas that loves having a satisfying shower. ;)