Thursday, January 25, 2007

Walk The Dog

Another day, another innovation.

Our friends who live in the land of the rising sun have come up with what I think Eddie and Casey would really love to have. Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the doggie treadmill.

I have no idea how much it costs or where I can get it from because their website is in Japanese.

Its a pity. I could use some time on it as well.



Unknown said...

pFizer is coming up with diet pills for dogs only

.... hahahahaha

DOGs in the states are sooo obese that pfizer came up with such a product ...

by the way you should try to listen to our Deera Chat Podcast at
and let us know what you think

The Premster said...

hi ali!

good of you to swing on by. are you serious abt the diet pills thingy? *shocked*

will check out your podcast. hope it is in english tho. ;)

Danah said...

lool that's perfect for my cousin's dog:p

The Premster said...

i really need one too, dandoon.

forwarded the website to a japanese friend of mine hoping for a translation. all i got in response was "i don't read japanese."
