Wednesday, January 10, 2007

iPhone - iMustHave

Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Its finally here!

After almost two years of speculation, rumours and hoax images, Apple's iPhone has been announced! Isn't she a beaut?

When I heard that it was launched about half an hour ago, I rushed to my desk and typed in Apple's URL and when it loaded completely, my colleagues found me transfixed with my mouth open. One had the nerve to ask "Porn site?"

This is a phone + iPod hybrid. There's hardly any buttons because it is touch-screen - just like the phones / communication devices found on the Starship Enterprise. It boasts of bluetooth, wi-fi (great for our recent islandwide free wireless internet access) and other goodies. This thing even plays videos. Short of waking up before you to cook breakfast and iron your clothes, it pretty much does everything!

So, I guess Zune's not being marketed in our parts was a blessing in disguise. And to think I was thinking of importing a Zune or even springing for an iPod a couple of days ago. Thank God!

So, here's my declaration :

"I, The Premster, owner of this blog hereby declare that I will hold off as many gadget purchases as possible till June 2007 when the iPhone becomes available. I will love, honour and cherish the iPhone for as long as it shall live - or till a better gadget is launched. I declare to have and to hold, till obseletion do us part."

I'll kiss the iPhone when it arrives.


Unknown said...

i want one i want one i want one ...
they won't come out till june and thats only in the states ... crazy crazy crazy ... probably we can go to Thailand where they are manufacturing it and steal one ...

The Premster said...

hi vanessa,

me? worrying? :D

guess i'm probably the only geek that you know. ;)

The Premster said...

hi ali,

welcome to premster's "drool all over new gadgets" world.

heard that it might only be launched here in singapore sometime in 2008!! i really don't think i'd last that long.

so when it is out in the states, i'm gonna get someone to buy and ship it to me.

or we could just go to thailand.... ;)