Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Story Of Edwina

Sometime last week as I was making my way home after parking my car at about 3 am, I was stunned to see the usually dimly lighted playground that is exactly opposite our apartment all lit up in colours. Half alseep from being tired after work, I wracked my brain trying to figure out a reason for the "light up". No festivals or holidays came to mind. Then, my eyes started to focus... and the words "EDWINA" with a red heart at the end became clear.

Here's a shot taken from our apartment's kitchen window by Mrs Premster, who was tickled at the gesture of the young man who was hard at work putting the finishing touches to his masterpiece, made out of cyalume sticks, for a special girl named Edwina who apparently lives in our apartment block too.

"A proposal!", my dear romantic wife declared. "Lets hope so", I replied. "It'll be interesting if Edwina shows up from her late night out with another guy in tow", the pessimist in me continued.

So, from 3 am onwards, we stayed up in our apartment with this young man on the playground hoping to catch fireworks from the romantic gesture. By 6 am, no fireworks, no Edwina. Our domestic helper emerged from her room to ask if we had seen the set-up. She too had been following the saga from her window, which faced the same direction!

My wife and I had to leave home at about 7 am and as we stepped out of the house, we caught a clearer glimpse of the young man clad in a white t-shirt, white shorts and a white hat fumbling with his mobile phone desperately trying to call someone repeatedly. "Looks like Edwina was a no show. Not a proposal but what appears to be an apology and a desperate attempt to win his dear Edwina back", I told the Mrs, the pessimist in me gloating from being right.

As the young man's hopes diminished, so did the glow of his cyalume sticks, unable to keep up with the bright rays of the rising sun. Edwina was not to be. I made my own declaration of love to my wife. "If the cyalume sticks were still there and illuminated tonight, I'd re-arrange them to spell your name".

What can I say, I can be quite the romantic myself.


Anonymous said...

aaawww thats soooo romantic of him....I really hope they get back together....come on Edwina....look how far he has gone to prove his love

and ur so cute too....wish you two all the happiness and peace together :)

eshda3wa said...

thats soo saaaaad

the poor fellow

and yeah prem
take the easy way ad just say ull rearrage them
get credit for being romantic without the actual gesture ;)

phoenix said...

AAAWWWW, 7aram.. after that effort..edwina stands him up...
And i lke the way you and your wife stay up to see the end of this story ;)

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

i don't think he had too much luck with edwina considering the sad / frustrated combination look on his face as he fervently typed something on his mobile phone.

and thank you for your kind wishes!

The Premster said...

hi eshda3wa,

i felt sorry for him too. it took him quite a while to get it looking great for queen edwina.

rearranging the cylume sticks is a gesture too, eshda3wa. its the thought that counts, not the position of the letters.


The Premster said...

hi phoenix,

we actually had to leave home early so we decided to stay up for that anyway. at least, there was something to "look forward to".

while we (my wife was more excited about it) were hoping for a good ending for the young man, it didn't turn out that way.

back to reality for him, i guess.