Friday, September 07, 2007

Little Boy Blues

Our little boy was ill over the last couple of days.

It was a very worrying time for us. The Devster (I'm calling him that from now on) has fallen ill before but he never had a fever spike at close to 39 degrees celsius. I was asleep when our domestic help called my wife at work (instead of waking me!) to say that our boy had a fever. My wife tried calling me on my mobile phone but having had only two hours of sleep, I was in too deep to hear. By the time I noticed the missed call and text message, our help was just about to step out the door with our boy to meet my wife at the clinic. Still in a daze from lack of sleep, it took me awhile to put the pieces together.

Later in the day as I was getting ready to leave for work, I checked on The Devster and found that his fever had not improved even after two doses of medication. Popped a ear thermometer in his ear and found that the stupid batteries were dead. As if on cue, Murphy decides to rear his ugly head when I found that our usually well-stocked battery drawer had no batteries! As I started tearing through my 10 remote controls to find a usable set of batteries to get at least one temperature reading, I called my boss to say that I needed half a day's leave. As I got off the phone, I found a set of batteries from my TV remote and popped it into the thermometer. Reading - 38.5 degrees. "To the doctors, we go", I told The Devster. He seemed excited about the prospect of a mid-week outing. Oh, and so was our domestic help. She quickly slipped in "Shall I come?", trying hard to sound helpful. I told her to get ready and called my wife, who was already on the way back from work.

We brought him to the hospital. After the routine checks, the doctor requested that he be given a suppository. About an hour after, his fever came down. We've heard horror stories about how high fevers can cause seizures and brain damage so we were definitely heaving a sigh of relief when his fever dropped below the 38 degrees mark.

It was a harrowing experience for the both of us, but more for our little fella as he has no way of communicating how he is feeling. I am glad to report that he is much better today and he's back to putting my remote controls in his mouth and fondling my sound systems.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


eshda3wa said...

the poor guy!

glad he is feeling better!

and glad u n ur wife can stop worrying now!

enjoy ur weekend too

Danah said...

hello prem! long time no "see"!

glad to hear that dev is feeling better now:)

Anonymous said...

how is the lil fella now :)

hope he is up and jumping again

Shwaish said...

ohhhh im sorry to hear that! thank god he's ok now

The Premster said...

hi eshda3wa,

thank you for your concern and wishes, dear friend!

he is better but still has a little bit of the sniffles. we're still concerned but at least we weren't as panicky as we were that day.

hope you had a good weekend! :)

The Premster said...

hey dandoon!!

its been awhile since i saw you around these parts. how have you been, dear friend?

thank you for your concern. the devster is definitely lucky to have so many wonderful people caring for him. he is blessed!

hope all's well in your world, dear friend!

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

he's much better except for a little bit of the sniffles. but you'll be glad to know that its not bothering him too much.

thank you so much for your care and concern! we are most appreciative!!

The Premster said...

hi princess,

thank you! that is extremely sweet of you.