Monday, February 26, 2007

The Truth Is Out There

Some months ago, I wrote that I am jinxed. I mentioned that during a certain time of the year, things around me, even brand new ones, will konk-out for no apparent reason. Strange but true.

But there's more. There is another strange phenomenon that has been plaguing me for years which only my wife has witnessed - and constantly laughs about. But it is serious - to me anyway. The thing is, everytime I wash my car, it'll rain after. Again, strange but true!

For a few weeks, the weather has been warm with no rain in sight so I decided to take my car in to my regular place to get it washed and vacuumed last Friday. With the sun high in the sky and temperatures at about 34 degrees celsius, I was dead sure I had beaten the "Rain Gods". I cruised into the car wash with a little smirk on my face. As soon as the hoses were turned on, the skies turned a menacing shade of grey and by the time my car was spotless and making its way out of the car wash, it started to drizzle. So much for spending ten bucks to get the car looking good.

Today was no exception. I decided to wash my car myself and seeing that it was a hot day, it would be ideal. But at the back of my mind, I knew that the guy up there had his finger on the "rain" button just itching to push it. Nevertheless, I persevered and trooped down to my car with two pails full of water. I poured one pail over my car to get rid of the dust and as soon as I did, the sun decided it was his break time. I didn't let that stop me. I washed and wiped my car till it was spotless. Then.... oh well, you can see from the picture.

My wife thinks I should take my car and my rain inducing act to drought stricken countries to help.



eshda3wa said...

well ur wife is rite
u'll be of great help to the world

The Premster said...

i'm sure she'll be very happy to hear that. ;)

btw, welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by. :)

Hitman1 said...

My friend you're a victim of "Murphy's Law"

Search for it in google and you will feel like you belong right in there :)

The Premster said...

hi hitman1,

i know "murphy's law" very well. i think it states "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. and it will go wrong at the worst possible time.".

but this kinda feels like someone up there has decided to screw with me as though to say "lets see you try to keep your car clean!" ;)

anyway, welcome to my blog! :)

Shwaish said...

hehehhehehe ur wife is very right hehehe and the rain button thing cracked me up!

The Premster said...

hi princess,

glad i could brighten your day even though washing my car doesn't. ;p

my wife will be so thrilled that everyone thinks she's right.

The Premster said...

hi vanessa,

*wondering what the cost of shipping 1 x impreza to australia will be*

anyway, good luck for tomorrow, my friend. everything will turn out very well. :)