Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mr Cranky Pants

My little boy is 6 weeks old! Time really flies when you're sleep deprived. I can't quite tell between day and night anymore and everything seems to be done on "auto-pilot" mode, if you know what I mean.

Premster Jr is growing very quickly. And with his physical development, his mind is also starting to "connect the dots". He sees things and gets facinated. This was three weeks ago. Today, when he sees something of interest to him, he tries to reach for it. And when he can't, he starts to throw a fit. And when he throws a fit, he makes sure the entire neighbourhood knows that he's pissed. So, he now has a new nickname thanks to his Daddy - Mr Cranky Pants.

Sadly, he's not the only "Cranky Pants" in the family. I think it has become my trait as well. Sleep deprivation will do that to you. I can go without eating for 2 days, without water for 24 hours but if I am not allowed to sleep, I'll go berserk. So, I seem to snap at every little thing these days.

Fortunately for Mr Cranky Pants Junior and Senior, we don't have a Mrs Cranky Pants. The Mrs has a smile on her every day and puts up with Junior's tantrums - he pulls his own hair and then screams as a result of the pain! - as well as Senior's constant gloom. I really can't imagine how she does it. Two babies in one household has to be tough on her. She's a real trooper.

And during the breaks she gets when Cranky Pants and Cranky Pants are both alseep, she tries to scour the Internet for nursery rhymes to entertain our little boy when he wakes up. And having found quite a few, she pointed out this important fact to me. Have you noticed how terrible / depressing children's nursery rhymes are?

London Bridge Is Falling Down - Talks about the collapse of a bridge.
Ding Dong Bell - Rhyme about someone drowning a cat.
Humpty Dumpty - About Humpty Dumpty falling off a wall and broken beyond repair.
Rock A Bye Baby - A lullaby about a baby in his cradle which falls off a tree!
Little Miss Muffet - Rhyme about Miss Muffet who is arachnophobic.
Jack And Jill - Rhyme about two kids who went up a hill to get water and the boy fell and broke his head.
Three Blind Mice - Tale about a farmer's wife cutting of the... er... tails of three already suffering blind mice.
Old Woman In A Shoe - The beginning of child abuse and birth control?



Danah said...

Wow! Six weeks already! It really is fascinating watching a baby grow, isn't it?

Poor Mrs Prem having to live with two Cranky Pants:p

I haven't noticed the meanings behing the rhymes before! That really is interesting.

Shwaish said...

mashala seriously time does fly by!! he was born yesterday damn it!! hehehehehe and Mrs Prem must be superwoman to be able to deal with a big baby and a tiny baby at once!! and wat she pointed out is so true, i never realised it before but its so interesting hehehe

The Premster said...

hi dandoon,

yes, its been six weeks. i can't believe it too. think he'll be going to school in no time.

and i have to agree that its really tough dealing with the two babies. :( i think junior is getting better. problem is still with senior.

we recite these rhymes blindly when we're kids. it was only when the lovely mrs prem pointed it out that i was shocked!

The Premster said...

hi princess,

i do think she is a superwoman. and besides handling cranky pants x 2, she also deals with her office work at the same time. her office calls her all the time!

you should read more of the popular nursery rhymes. it's scary!! :p

The Premster said...

hi vanessa,

that's very sweet of you to say! thank you. and i agree... i am the lucky one!! :)

The Premster said...

hi orange juice,

think it is because it is 'packaged' in a very happy tune!

its all about packaging.