Thursday, September 28, 2006

Back To The Old School

I woke up sometime around lunch today to find my little boy sitting in his comfy baby recliner watching Sesame Street. He seemed bewildered with all the colours and Elmo's exceptionally high-pitched voice. Maybe I should just spring for the Elmo TMX and blame it on him! "It's for his development, dear!", I'll tell my wife. Hmmm... I digress.

My wife and I went on to discuss the virtues of Sesame Street and I shared with her how I was a huge fan of the popular children's television programme from the age of 4 till I was about 18. The Sesame Street aired today felt a lot different from what I used to watch years ago. It had more colourful characters, both physically and personality-wise, and it seemed to have more to teach. While Elmo was reading e-mails from children (yes, e-mails!), I wondered what happened to characters like Sherlock Hemlock, Guy Smiley, Grover, Cookie Monster, Sammy The Snake and my favourite, Lefty. They brought a great deal of fun and laughter to the show which is what is lacking in today's version of Sesame Street.

"It's a real pity they don't have the older Sesame Street on DVD", I lamented. My wife agreed. But surprise, surprise! I found out today on Amazon that they will be releasing the old school episodes of Sesame Street (1969 - 1974) close to the end of October and it is now available for pre-order. I was so excited with my discovery that I promptly whipped out my credit card to buy it.

"Its for his development, dear."


Danah said...

"Its for his development, dear."

Are you sure? Because, to me, it sounds like you're getting it for yourself;)

The Premster said...


don't tell anyone!!

our little secret, ya?? ;)

The Premster said...

have you checked the price on amazon? it has sky-rocketed to more than US$200!

i should be able to survive on one kidney, right?? ;)