Monday, September 11, 2006

Remembering 9/11 - Five Years On

Do you remember what you were doing on 11 September 2001 when the ill-fated planes hit the World Trade Centre? I do. Back then, I was working for a TV station. Every day, I would sit in front of my TV at 9:30 pm to watch the nightly news with the small satisfaction that I had played a part towards the successful transmission of the bulletin. That fateful day was no exception.

I remember our presenters, Arnold and Michelle, starting off the news bulletin with a cheery smile and reading the day's events to hundreds of thousands of viewers. Halfway through at about 9:40 pm, Michelle stopped reading and appeared to look distraught. Then came the horrifying footage beamed into our homes 'live'. A plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Centre's Twin Towers. At that point, it appeared to be a freak accident perhaps due to pilot error. And as the footage kept coming, another plane was seen approaching the second tower and before I could catch my breath, it crashed head-on. It was then that the world knew that this was no accident. Our usually eloquent presenters were left lost for words.

I watched the images in disbelief. Who would do such a thing? And why? Before 9/11, "terrorism" not a word commonly used in daily conversations. Today, we hear it all the time. Security has been tightened all over the world. Cars entering Government buildings and installations are routinely checked, airports are generously sprinkled with security personnel armed to the teeth and riding on the subway means you may be subjected to random bag checks. And all because one senseless man decided that he wanted to act like a barbarian and take the lives of more than two thousand men and women, each of whom was somebody important to someone out there. There was no justification for him to kill anyone but he did it anyway. I don't think I can begin to imagine the loss and anger attached to losing someone in such a cruel manner.

On 11 September 2001, lives were ruined forever. Our way of life changed forever. All that is left of a majestic building is a gaping hole in the ground. But the question to ask is "Has terrorism won?" My answer would be a firm "no". It was more of wake-up call. It was a wake-up call to the world saying that we should not take the freedom that we enjoy for granted. It was a wake-up call for Governments and countries all over the world not to take national security lightly. It was a wake-up call to each any every human being, regardless of race, colour, language and religion, to be united as one and fight the war against terrorism.

While I was shaken by the events I saw on my TV that day, I knew that the world would not take one madman's senseless act lying down and we will recover from it and be stronger. While we live slightly more "restricted" lives these days, I somehow feel safer knowing that everyone is doing everything in their power not to allow any act a fraction of the magnitude we witnessed on September 11th to ever happen again.

And while I do not know anyone who suffered the wrath of September 11th personally, I take time to remember those who have lost their lives needlessly and those who live on to mourn the loss of a friend or a loved one on this day. I hope they will be comforted knowing that we are winning the war on terrorism and eventually, terror will only be felt in the stone hearts of those who perpetuated it in the first place.

We will, without a doubt, win this fight.


Danah said...

Well said, Prem.

I remember that I was getting ready to go out with my friends for dinner. I turned on the tv in my room and I saw a building and lots of smoke. I wasn't really paying attention so I changed the channel and it was showing the same thing. I turned the channel again and they were also showing the same thing! Then I decided to listen:p What happened didn't really sink in until later that day.

The Premster said...

Thanks, Dandoon!

The magnitude of that disaster really does not sink in till a few hours later.

I hope that the world will never have to witness anything like this ever again.