Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Eddie and Me

In my quest to be "intellectual", or at least appear to be, I have gone back to something I loved doing when I was a young lad - reading.

I was mostly hooked on local writers as they wrote about people and things close to home. I think I must have read at least 80% of the works of local writers back in my teens and early twenties. Some of my favourite writers back then were Sumiko Tan, Philip Jeyaretnam, Adrian Tan, Sylvia Toh and Mr Spooky himself - Russell Lee. After reading almost every ghost story book ever written by Russell, I got a chance to see him in person a few months back at a book signing in a local mall - with his trademark black hat, black suit and black face-mask to hide his true identity. No one knows who he is or what he looks like. And "Russell" is not his real name either. He is, after all, a ghostwriter. *wink*

Anyway, I didn't want to be overwhelmed by the likes of Stephen King or Tom Clancy so I started off with a charming little book called Marley & Me - Life And Love With The World's Worst Dog by John Grogan. It is a story about the life of Mr Grogan and his new bride Jenny. In their journey to becoming parents, they started off by 'training' themselves with what seemed to be a sweet loving little Labrador puppy named after their favourite performer, Bob Marley. Marley grows up to be a riot (not in a good way) but still retaining his unconditional love and affection for his master and mistress. In one chapter, Jenny, suffering from post-natal blues, is seen pounding on Marley when the latter ruined their house. Instead of reacting, the dog just lay there and took the painful beating. It brought tears to my eyes.

Such are dogs. They have a way of understanding their owners and taking the abuse because of love, respect and loyalty.

The story, for the most part, is a reflection of our life with our Jack Russell, Eddie. As a result of a very low period in my life, my wife and my Dad decided to cheer me up with a puppy. Eddie became the baby in the house and my Dad would sometimes tease "Let Eddie be practice for the both of you". And practice he was. On his first day at our home, he kept us up all night because he had kennel cough. I remember I was worried sick about him when we left him at home to go to work the next day. He looked so tiny and frail. I prayed in between work that he would be ok when we returned in the evening to bring him to the vet.

Although a real rascal (he sunk his teeth through our cupboards, pee'd on our bed and clawed his way through our doors), he was forever loving and faithful to us. He saw me through the best and the worst days of my life and even if I scolded him purely out of personal frustration, he'd still come back and ask for "forgiveness", as if he was in the wrong. I love the times when he'd snuggle up by my side with his head on my lap while I watch TV. These days, Casey (our other Jack Russell), fights him for this position. Being the gentleman that Eddie is, he always gives in.

I've yet to finish the book and I should be done sometime this week. But I fear the ending would be a sad one. I won't spoil the ending, for those of you who might think of picking this one up, by posting it here. But if you are a dog lover and enjoy a bitter-sweet story, this is a must-read.

My next conquest will be iWoz : From Computer Geek To Cult Icon.

I know. Stop smirking. I can't help it. *smile*


The Premster said...

welcome, white rose!

i love ghost stories myself as you can probably tell from my post. but if you ever need a little breather from the heart-stopping stories, give marley & me a go.

thank you so much for stopping by and hope to see more of you!! :)

Dakhtour said...

I hate dogs :(

Danah said...

I *really* want a dog now! I've always wanted one but we have a no pets rule and my sister is allergic to their hair/fur:(

The book sounds interesting, I'll buy a copy if I find one:)

The Premster said...

i recall your hatred for dogs, zizo. but seriously, dogs are probably the most loving creatures around. :)

The Premster said...

awww... that's sad, dandoon. but i can totally understand the "no pets" rule considering your sister's allergy.

it is a simple book with no complicated twists and turns. just a straight forward true-life account of a man and his dog. very heartwarming.

The Premster said...

will do, vanessa. *sniff*