Monday, November 13, 2006


More gadget posts? No, this is not. I get the hint. *wink*

This one's on a movie my wife and I caught on DVD on Saturday night. It's a movie from early this year called "Firewall" starring Harrison Ford as a Vice President of systems security in a large bank.

Jack Stansfield's (Ford) family is held hostage and in exchange for their release, Jack is required to hack into his bank's computers and transfer millions of dollars into the captors offshore bank accounts. For a movie buff like me, I found the story highly predictable because it reeks elements from Air Force One (also starring Ford), Ransom (starrring Mel Gibson) and Hostage (starring Bruce Willis).

There was a little McGuyver moment when Jack took the image scanner part of his fax machine and attached it to his daughter's iPod to 'scan' account numbers off a computer screen. Being a tech-head, I know full well that this was impossibe without the proper circuitry in-between the scanning device and the iPod. I tried hard to explain this to my dear wife but I think she was more impressed that Jack came up with the concept than with my technical knowledge. Oh well....

Overall, a watchable movie but I'll bet one would be even more in tune with the story if they didn't bother with technical intracacies - like me. Definitely not for hardcore techie / geeks.

And if anyone wants to know what a firewall is, read here. Or feel free to ask a question via comments!

Hope you guys had a good weekend!