Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Burning Bridges

Lately, I've been burning bridges. No, I've not given up my day job to become an arsonist.

In the recent years, I've come to realise that family is over-rated. I've come to realise that the people who I've grown up with and trusted with my life have their own agendas and they'll happily sacrifice me for them. I've come to realise that while I have gone out of my way to help my family throughout the years, they've treated me as an inconvenience they have to live with. As a relative put it to me a few days before my mother passed away, some twelve years ago at the waiting area of a hospital's emergency unit where my mother was taken to, "I am not sure what our relationship will be if your mother is no longer around". I think that said it all.

To be an integral member of the family, the laws are as follows. Please note that the term "elders" has no reference to people of wisdom or integrity - just older people in a family.

(1) You must not and cannot have an opinion of your own. If you chose to have an opinion, especially one that goes against an "elder", you stand alone. Only nephews and neices who are willing to sacrifice their spines and agree to whatever is dished out by the "elders" are valued.

(2) Be humble and realise that someone else's problem is always bigger than yours. If you say you're facing difficulty, someone else in the family is facing an even more difficult situation than you are - for sure. If you're having a headache, someone else has a migrane. If you have a migrane, someone else will have a brain tumor. The same goes for flu, cough, joint pain or any other ailment.

(3) Learn to drop as many names as possible. "I know xxxxx" where xxxxx is the name of a celebrity / politician / journalist / famous doctor /etc. Whoever knows the most people in these categories or is higher up in the social heirarchy carries the most weight. A variant of Rule (2) applies. Eg. "I know Tom Cruise." Response? "Really? I know Nicole Kidman." or "I know Tom Cruise's father." Tip : You don't really have to know them. Just say you do.

(4) Be prepared to take sides when the "elders" quarrel. If A and B quarrel and you take a neutral stand when approached by A, then you're deemed to be on B's side. The reverse is most certainly true. So pick a side or one will automatically be assigned for you against your will.

(5) A backstabs B. B comes to C for sympathy. B later forgives A under the now infamous "I forgive everyone" / "I am holier than thou" policy. When A backstabs C and C goes to B for sympathy, B will get "A would never do that". Forgivness and amnesia - the perfect combination.

(6) If something bad happens to A, A will say he / she is cursed or given the evil eye. If something bad happens to B and you ask A if B is the victim of a curse, A will say that there is no such thing as being cursed.

(7) Law (6) does not apply if A and B are closely related, eg. parent (A) and child (B) or husband (A) and wife (B). In this case, if B is doing well, A will say it is because of hard work, intelligence, etc. If B fails in life, A will declare it the work of the evil eye.

(8) When confronted head on with unfavourable glaring facts, the normal and expected response is "I'm very sick", "I'm dying" or "I'll kill myself". You couldn't squeeze more drama out of a Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, Quentin Tarantino, John Woo and Jerry Bruckheimer joint-collaboration movie.

(9) "Don't tell anyone I told you" or "Just between you and me" are common phrases used to indicate that something is told to you in confidence. It'll make you feel special like you're the only one that can be trusted with this information. Little do you know that you're the last to hear about it.

(10) If you're ill and / or hospitalised, the heroic and selfless thing to do is not to tell anyone except immediate family. This will eventually result in a "Just between you and me" call a day later. See Law (9) for more information.

(11) You have to acknowledge that dreams are the way our dearly departed communicate and convey messages to the family. The family has a number of official conduits but oddly, the message received through different conduits from the same departed differ vastly on the same issue. I guess all that Heaven-Earth travelling can take a toll on a departed's opinion.

(12) If you are not officially ("officially" being the operative word) invited to a family event / celebration, that is if you've been informed about it personally but no invitation card has been given to you or the red carpet has not been rolled out for you, kick up the biggest fuss in the history of mankind to make your point and then threaten never to be part of any family celebration even if the red carpet was rolled out for you in future. No family event or celebration is complete without a huge blow up.

All these years, I tried my best to deal with these family laws. But alas, I've come to realise that I am unable to meet their extremely high standards. And while it pains me to have to distance myself from them, I am left with no choice - for the sake of my peace of mind and sanity. Life is hard enough without having to adhere to the 12 laws.

So, bridges have sadly been burnt. Better I burn them now while I am safely on the other side instead of the bridge being burnt while I'm on it.


Anonymous said...

its there a written book for all families to follow regardless of their race or origin!!!

cuz I could swear on my soul what u wrote is exactly the same as my families rules!!!

every single one of the 12 rules..and I could prolly add more :/

I personally think the real meaning and doing of family was long gone...especially since the rise of the of the technological era

people are consumed into life's somewhat meaningless details that they dont care about their kin

and now its every man for his own!!

sso live by the rules of ur time...and focus on the ones that make life enjoyable for u and ur wife and son :)

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

as always, a pleasure to have your comments!

its always hard for me to imagine someone else enduring the same kind of situation as i wouldn't wish it upon anyone. i've always smiled or laughed it off whenever i hear it but lately, i've become less tolerant of it. and of course, that makes me a bad person in their books.

the list is a lot longer, of course. but for the sake of not causing too much pain to readers, i've capped it to twelve.

the bottom line is - they must be able to have their cake and eat it too.

i really don't want my wife and son to have to endure what i had to go through most of my life. i endured it because i loved my family. sadly, the affection i gave them was not mutual.

thanks again, ghasheema. :)

Anonymous said...

ur welcome :)

I dont really know what to say

but lets just put it this way...its almost like its the trend now to be judgemental of all except for oneself!!

I am sure u can find the one relative who might understand and appreciate the harmony u tried to keep with the family...it will take time but they will know that u were indeed a great member of the family

as our old saying goes "you never know how good I am, til you try someone else" :)

I say right now, just focus on your wife and son..and ur relatives will come crawling back ;)

sorry for the negative terms...but hey as my dear blogger "eshda3wa" says " life is a bitch, SPANK IT"

The Premster said...

thanks again, ghasheema.

my one "uncle" who i think can appreciate my predicament is not even my relative to begin with. how sad is that? but i guess life's like that. its just sad that things have retarded to this point.

not sure if it is in every family but there's always one element, once allowed into the family circle, that will disrupt and ruin the unity and harmony a family enjoys.

honestly, i don't believe that they'll come crawling back as you can probably see from the 12 laws that pride is high up on their list. and it doesn't matter because i think the peace that i have now is bliss.

and eshda3wa is right as usual! :)

thanks again and have a good weekend!