Sunday, November 11, 2007


Life has suddenly shifted into high-gear for me in the last month or so, leaving me little time to pen (or in this case, type) my thoughts into this blog aptly titled "Things That Fill My Head".

I started this blog one quiet evening while at work some 1 1/2 years ago. Sitting at my desk and thinking about my father, the thoughts and memories of a man who passed away less than 3 months earlier started to overwhelm me. Suddenly, I felt an urgent need to unload my thoughts before it started to consume me. It was probably the most intense feeling I had in my life up to that point. Then, it hit me - a blog. I quickly did a search for blog sites on the Internet and came across Blogspot. I scrambled to register and before long, I started banging out my thoughts and feelings into a text window much like the one I am typing in now.

As the words flowed, so did the tears. There I was, at my desk in the office, tears flowing down my face as I typed furiously to free myself from the pain of the memories of my father - a man I respected, cared for and most importantly, loved. And so my personal blog came to be, the very first entry dedicated to my father - a man who loved writing and to the point he became ill was writing his life story.

After I hit the "post" button, it appeared on the site. I figured this was it and I'll never write again. For one thing, I knew no one was going to read it beause it'll probably get lost in the millions of blogs here - many of which are visited by at least 20 - 50 people a day. I didn't know anyone who had blogs so it'll just sit in there - the memory of my father and his son who made a small, insignificant mark on the blogging world. Or so I thought.

The next day, a "Sparkling Princess" posted a comment. I didn't know who she was or even how she came to reading my blog. Till today, I've never asked. But I will always be grateful for her very comforting comments. That one comment became two and before long, I had "faceless" friends (Dandoon, Ghasheema, Esada3wa, Phoenix, Zizo and Vanessafrida - ok, I know Vanessa personally so she's not faceless!) who have come to mean a great deal to me. And as the friends grew, so did my blog entries - some insightful, some utterly silly and I know those pertaining to my obsession with gadgets irk the heck out of everyone! My biggest fan? My wife! She says all my blog entries are great. We all know she's just being her usual sweet self.

I love writing. I love sharing my thoughts. More than that, I love the funny / honest comments. Believe it or not, I am saddened by posts that garner "0" comments. I was so serious about this blog that I bought a URL with my name to link to it last year. But lately, I've realised that time is no longer on my side. So many things have changed in the last month or so and even the little time spent with my little boy is dwindling. This guilt is weighing on me the most. I will share more in a later post - which I hope will be soon.

I want so much to carry on but I don't know how. It may be hard to say goodbye to a blog I put time, effort and emotion into but what is harder is to say goodbye to friends I've grown to love and respect.

This is not farewell as yet. I hope that in the coming weeks, there will be some reprieve and I'll get back into the momentum. "Hope"... a word I've been uttering on a regular basis over the last few weeks.

Perhaps you could share how you find time to write in spite of your busy schedule?

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Hi prem

I felt every word you type came straight from your heart!

you have a very honest and sincere way of writing thats what i like about your posts.

I think you are right that time does consume us and sometimes limits us from doing the things we like and take stress out of our busy and sometimes hectic lives!

I think blogging is the best way to over come that "limit of time". Its a moment to spoil you hearts content out to reader across the globe!

I agree that is very comforting to see a comment on a post i published!...It makes me feel happy that someone read my blog..but honestly prem lately i feel like i have to actually "prepare" something for my readers to read and not type my thoughts out...and that made me consider to quit blogging!

Because it became another task that i have to do durring my daily routine!!! its a routine and I hate routines >_<

But then I sat and thought!...hey so least I get to share my posts with people who comment and therefore add another point of wont hurt me....I randomly pour my heart out about whats stressing me out ( dear mother in law!!!!!)

I like having faceless friends..not that I not be friends with them if they became facefull (<-- is that really a word?!?!) but it tells me I am not being judge...and even if I was...the people who are judging me dont really exist in my life! you know what i mean?

I too, started blogging at a point when i was soo stressed out and soo lonely! I need something to get me away from my daily routines...away from the kids,diapers, formula, Dora, Barney, Spiderman, SpongeBob and so and life is a 24/7 daycare drama!!! and Iam only 25(I was at the time)

I needed to do something for me...I needed to interact with other adults without leaving the blogging was my answer.

the first person who commented on my blog was "Ummel3yal" and her nickname means "the mother of the kids" even in blog world kids was the first thing i see....but she was anything but a typical housewife...she is a mature, highly educated and respectable person! and like you I dont know how she found my it a coincidence that she is Kuwaiti too!

I am sorry i talked on and on...I am not even going to double check for spelling mistakes and can do that ;P

Dont quit blogging...come to your blog ONLY when you feel you need to blog about something

and a BIG hiiiii to your lovely wife and big boy :)

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

thank you for your very kind words. more importantly, thank you for your thoughtful lengthy comment despite your hectic schedule. i am most appreciative.

you absolutely hit the nail on the head when you said that you had to "prepare"! i couldn't have said it better myself! i sometimes feel i am writing a column rather than a personal blog. not that it is a bad thing but i sometimes fear that the wonderful friends i've made here over the last year and a half would fade away because my posts are not appearing fast enough.

i absolutely understand about being judged. and you're correct when you say they don't really "exist" in real life - maybe just in cyberspace. but faceless or otherwise (facefull?), i am most grateful for the wonderful people i've met in blog-world.

i'll take your advice - to blog when i can or when i need to. that would be ideal. i just hope that regular visitors / friends to my blog will keep coming to see if i've dropped an entry because somehow, it felt good that there was someone to read what i said - even though my blog was not intended to be that way.

again, thank you for your words of wisdom. you may be much younger than me in years but you are definitely leaps and bounds ahead of me in terms of wisdom.

and please convey our best wishes to your hubby and adorable kids.

MEEEMO said...

i never read your post about your father .. i'm actually very new here .. but for some reason i felt a lot of emotions reading this post ..

i too lost my father but at a very young age .. 13 years ago i felt that i had so much that i wanted to share and express in terms of my feelings etc.. and i didn't have the power to do anyhing about it... i learned how to keep it inside ...

now i'm facing difficult challenges in my life .. and i decided that i will not make the same mistake twice and keep these thoughts captive in my heart and mind .. thats y i decided to start this blog ... to share whatever is on my mind ...

hopefully (inshallah) it will help in clearing and organizing my thoughts and emotions ..

eshda3wa said...

Prem u CANNOT quit!

you dont have to post regularly, i think the whole point of a blog is u dont HAVE to do anything, take a break, but dont leave us!!

it amazes me how attached i get to blogs and the people behind them.

The Premster said...

hi meeemo,

welcome to my home in cyberspace. i am honoured that you stopped by and posted a comment.

thank you for your kind words, my friend. it means a lot. and i am sorry to hear that you lost your father a long time ago. someone recently told me that it takes about 3 years to recover from the loss of a loved one. i've come to understand that he doesn't know what he's talking about.

i think there are many crossroads on life's rocky path. it is the choice of path we pick that determines our successes or failures. right now, i am at that difficult path myself. and just like you, i use blogging as an "offloading" mechanism. sadly, things have gotten so busy that even time to "offload" is minimal.

i will stop by your blog soon. and again, thank you so much for coming by. it is most appreciated!

The Premster said...

hi eshda3wa,

thank you for being so sweet. it is always nice to know that you will be missed.

i get attached to blogs as well and with the little time i have, i make sure i visit my favourites - and that includes yours, of course!

there is so much i want to share but time doesn't quite permit for now. i definitely will when i can.

thanks again, dear friend. i am most grateful!

Shwaish said...

wow, prem dont go!

take a break, i dnt know blogging is amazing for me u get to meet all these great people and they sort off share ur pain and pleasure and everything and sometimes u even make life long friends

i think we all yearn for a human connection and sometimes its hard to get that in real life for watever reasons, such insecurities and stuff so this is a haven

i wish u happiness with ur wife and dev and many more to come inshala

when i read ur first post it really touched me, and ur comments on my blog are very touching seriously and i dont know what to say


The Premster said...

hi princess,

sorry for the late response.

i'm not ready to quit blogging as yet as there are too many people (and their blogs) i have found myself being very attached to. and it is really nice to know that my somewhat simple blog is enjoyed by a few as well.

time has gotten a little out of hand and i find myself with too much to do and little time for anything else. of course, i will share more of what i've been up to in coming posts.

so as of now, it is not farewell but maybe my blog will not be as "full-time" as i like it to be. and i hope that i will return to my regular momemtun very soon.

thank you so much, princess. you're a dear friend.