Friday, August 24, 2007

Tagged! - I'm It

I got tagged discretely by the effervescent Ghasheema. So here goes. First, the rules....

The system:

In the 8 facts about [name], you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. At the end, you tag 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. Each blogger must post these rules first. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, a blogger needs to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog...

1. I had a lot of lofty ambitions growing up. I wanted to be Six Million Dollar Man, Starsky, Man From Atlantis, BJ, Rick Hunter and just before common sense hit me, Michael Knight. Trust me when I say my parents were very worried when I talked excitedly about driving big red rigs and black talking cars.

2. When I am contemplating getting a new gadget / device, I tend to lose a lot of sleep. I only get restful sleep once it has been purchased. Obsessive? Nope. Just passionate.

3. I love the idea of living on a beach or near the ocean. I love the view of the sea and to be able to just come out of my home to see and smell the sea is like heaven on earth. Fortunately me, I do live near water. There is a huge drain not too far away.

4. I must absolutely sleep with a bolster. No bolster, no sleep. Take away my bolster and then put the idea of buying a new gadget in my head and I will be a total wreck.

5. If there is something on my plate I don't really enjoy, I usually force that down my throat first. Then, I enjoy the rest peacefully. My wife thinks I am a true vegetable lover.

6. I absolutely love watches and have quite a number. When I was a little boy, I could never convince my Dad to get me those fancy watches I saw in magazines. So, I'd cut out the watch face from the advertisement, stick it to a long strip of paper and wear it around my wrist, securing the "watch strap" with paper-clip. I would wear it on every outing and family events. After a few days, my Dad would buy it for me. I guess he wanted to reward me for my ingenuity.

7. I believe that we are all living in the Matrix. I am waiting to be offered the red pill only. The blue pill is synonymous with erectile dysfunction.

8. I absolutely hate drawers or cupboards that are left open or ajar. Even chairs at the dining table that are not pushed back after use irks the living daylights out of me. Drawers and cupboards must remain closed fully - period.

I really don't have 8 bloggers to tag. So.... eenie... meenie.... minee.... Phoenix, Eshda3wa and The Princess.


Anonymous said...

lol...I had to look up effervescent and i guess I like what it means :/

1. has got to be the most interesting thing to know about you :P

2.I knew that..and god bless your wife for taking it so well :)

3. I did leave near the beach in Kuwait and trust me dude..its all soooo amazing looking but smells like hell....I hated it becuz of the smell

4.haha :P

5. I do that too...but with everythinhg though not just food...gimme the bad news first kinda thing

6.or u manipulated him to get u the watches ;P
either way thats very smart


8.i agree

The Premster said...

hi ghasheema,

effervescent - its a good thing!

1. that list is actually a lot longer.

2. think the mrs is already numb.

3. can't be that bad, right? i don't know but i love the smell of the sea when i am at the beach.

4. :)

5. come to think of it, you may be right.

6. no... no... i never manipulate. i'm a nice guy, remember.

7. i always laugh when i hear morpheus ask neo about "the blue pill".

8. glad we see eye to eye on this!!

have a good weekend, dear friend.

eshda3wa said...

u so would not like to live with my brother or my sister

they never close ANYTHING

doors,cupboards, drawers

whatever else that needs closing never gets closed :)

The Premster said...

hi eshda3wa,

welcome back! hope you had a wonderful vacation.

if your brother and sister never close anything, then living with them would either send me straight to the mental institution or an early grave.

drawers, by design, are meant to be closed.
