Monday, December 11, 2006

Missing Again?

No, I did not get abducted by aliens (they do exist, you know!) nor did I go on a secret undercover mission to find out the truths that lurk inside Area 51. I sometimes wish life were that dramatic but considering how tired I get these days just running a simple errand, I'm quite content with the life I have... to be able to crash on the couch at the end of a regular work day, flip on the tele and watch everything that gets beamed into my living room - crap or otherwise.

To all who thought something had happened or I had abandoned my blog, my sincere apologies. Its just that life decided to shift to a higher gear over the last three weeks and I got caught up with work, family and all the other stuff. On top of that, I've been having some trouble getting Blogger to work at home and my emails to their Helpdesk have been... er... of no help at all.

Well, I'm back and I guess my next few posts will be about all the stuff I've been up to as well as my reflections on 2006. It has been an eventful year and on many levels, I am actually quite sad that it is ending.

So fasten your seatbelts, folks. The Premster is back.

How's that for dramatics??


Danah said...

Welcome back! I was wondering what you've been up to:p

Looking forward to read the next posts - particularly, the reflections one:)

The Premster said...

very glad to be back, dandoon!
